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Kent Bottles, MD

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American Healthcare in 2021: What Should Providers, Patients, and Citizens Expect?

by Kent Bottles, MD posted in Healthcare Ecosystem, Frontline Support


What will happen to healthcare in the United States when the election is over, the Supreme Court has heard arguments to declare the ACA unconstitutional, the coronavirus is still infecting Americans, and the political landscape is a little less uncertain? No one knows for sure, but Dr. Kent Bottles certainly has his opinions and provides them by looking into his crystal ball and analyzing perspectives from key opinion leaders in the field. As Kent likes to quote, "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future" (Nobel Physics laureate Nils Bohr) and "It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee at all" (Henri Poincare). In this webinar Kent covers:

1. How the ACA will change in 2021.
2. How the COVID-19 crisis will transform healthcare and society in the future.
3. How the new Congress will legislate in the healthcare arena.
4. How the new political landscape will affect hospitals, doctors, patients, and pharmaceutical companies.

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Key Learnings from COVID-19: Pulse Check, Where Thing Stand Now

by Kent Bottles, MD


Since Dr. Bottles’ first webinar in our COVID-19 series in April on Lessons Gleaned to Inspire Healthcare Transformations, we have learned so much about the pandemic, how to combat it, and its widespread impact on life as we know it. In this webinar, Dr. Bottles reviews the current status of COVID-19 including: The state of the US and global responses to the pandemic, vaccine development and distribution, testing and contact tracing, economic shutdown and other mitigation procedures, safety of children in public and private schools, progress in understanding the biology of the virus, and epidemiology.

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Key Learnings from COVID-19: Lessons Gleaned to Date to Inspire Healthcare Transformations

by Kent Bottles, MD


Our healthcare system is in the midst of a crisis - struggling to ramp up quickly to respond to patient demand in response to COVID-19. Appropriately so, organizations are focusing on the immediate crisis. However, it would be wise to start thinking about how the healthcare system will function after the pandemic is over. Planning and preparation for healthcare post COVID-19 should be examined to explore the opportunities, challenges, and strategies that we will all face in the future. While no one knows all the answers, this webinar, originally presented April, 29th, 2020, with Dr. Kent Bottles, established health industry speaker, consultant, and thought leader, explores early lessons learned from this medical and economic crisis.

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Healthcare 2020: Where the Presidential Candidates Stand

by Kent Bottles, MD


What do each of the three remaining candidates propose for the American health care delivery system?

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