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Faculty Highlight Series: Jill Perrin

by TLD Group

In our Faculty Highlight Series, we shine a spotlight on the remarkable contributions of our cadre of coaches and consultants through specific client case studies. Today we are featuring Jill Perrin, whose exceptional work within the discipline of global pharmaceutical leadership coaching exemplifies the impact and expertise of TLD Group’s faculty.

Navigating Complex Challenges in Global Pharma 

Jill’s expertise shines brightly in the complex, rapidly evolving environment of global pharmaceuticals. Her recent work with a senior executive facing a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment is a testament to her skill and adaptability. The client, new to the senior executive ranks, needed to quickly integrate and drive transformative changes across operations and culture. Jill's approach was essential in helping this client manage through these challenges and seize opportunities amidst change.

Driving Impactful Outcomes

The primary goal of Jill's coaching was to enhance the client’s influence within the executive ranks and empower her team to advance key corporate initiatives. Jill focused on transforming the client’s approach from one of apprehension and self-doubt to a position of increased courage and assertiveness. By addressing barriers such as intimidation, imposter syndrome, and burnout, Jill helped the client embrace her role and expand her impact.

A Holistic Coaching Approach

Jill’s methodology was comprehensive and multifaceted. She utilized tools such as the Hogan suite of assessments, Stanford’s Design Thinking, and Positive Intelligence. This approach allowed Jill to identify and address limiting beliefs, replace them with empowering ones, and fostered a mindset shift from viewing challenges as obstacles to recognizing them as opportunities for team growth and success. Her work involved not just conversations but also practical strategies that reframed the client’s perspective on leadership and influence.

Demonstrating Success

The effectiveness of Jill’s coaching is evident in the tangible results. Within a year, the senior leader received a promotion and took on expanded high-visibility responsibilities. The client expressed newfound courage and assertiveness in leading large-scale reorganizations, and praised Jill’s ability to create a safe environment for authentic engagement and goal setting.

“Jill is one of those coaches that you dream about when you want to feel seen and heard. She offered tangible, action-oriented ideas. I have personally and professionally grown as a result of her guidance and support."

-Senior Leader TLD Group Client

Personal Growth and Professional Impact

Jill’s work with TLD Group has not only advanced her clients’ development but also enriched her own professional journey. She has worked with a diverse array of leaders across various sectors, from senior executives and scientists to emerging leaders and C-suite members. Jill’s mission is clear: to help today’s leaders drive immediate impact through effective leadership, ultimately contributing to life-saving outcomes in the healthcare sector.

Embracing Future Opportunities

Looking ahead, Jill is excited about exploring future trends and opportunities in the global VUCA environment. She is particularly interested in helping leaders navigate challenges such as regulatory changes, evolving reimbursement models, the ethical considerations of AI, and the broader implications of global health crises. Jill’s forward-thinking approach ensures that she remains at the forefront of leadership development in an ever-changing landscape.

Jill’s contributions highlight the exceptional coaching and leadership development provided by TLD Group’s faculty. Her ability to drive meaningful change and expand influence in complex environments exemplifies the value and expertise she brings to her clients.

Stay tuned for more insights and stories from our Faculty Highlight Series, showcasing the remarkable work of our team.

Topics: Collaboration, Faculty Highlight Series

TLD Group

Written by TLD Group