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Explore our insights on developing talent within the health ecosystem and empowering leaders and teams to execute strategic goals.

We’re Seeing the Forest for the Trees

by TLD Group

You’ve probably heard the old maxim “can’t see the forest for the trees” being used to describe a person, or an organization, that doesn’t understand a broader situation because they’re only considering individual parts or portions of it. When that person is so focused on a single issue that they forget, or overlook, the real purpose behind what they’re doing, they miss the big picture — often to the detriment of the people and teams around them. 

At TLD Group, our eyes are, as the saying goes, “on the forest” of the broader health ecosystem. Our vision is to create a more interconnected and equitable health ecosystem for all, and we aim to accomplish this by bringing leaders’, teams’, and organizations’ passions and purposes back into focus, and in turn, transform the entire industry for the better. 

More specifically, we are strategic talent development partners who work with individual leaders and organizations through solutions like executive coaching, team development, and more to connect them more deeply to the meaning behind their work and unlock their true potential, creating a ripple effect that will impact entire systems, sectors, and eventually, healthcare as a whole. If the health ecosystem is our forest, our clients are the  “trees,” and each one has an important role to play in enhancing health and well-being.

Caring for the Trees in our Forest

Another maxim that we use among the TLD Group team is “wellbeing or bust.” We believe that the problems faced by the health ecosystem are broad and impact every person around the globe, and we’re passionate about empowering leaders to make systemic improvements that serve not only them and their teams, but other industry players who can impact individual lives. We care deeply about our team’s and our clients’ well-being because we know the influence these individuals can have when they’re healthy, engaged, and able to contribute their best selves more fully to their work.  

In our years of experience working with leaders, we have found that people are rarely if ever, attracted to work in the health ecosystem for the money. Instead, it’s a passion for caring for others and enhancing health and well-being that draws people to the work. Ironically,  leaders in our industry often forget the importance of self-care, ‘putting their own facemask on first’ before taking care of others.

Employees across the health ecosystem cannot perform at their best when they are burnt out, overworked, and overwhelmed. Organizations need to find ways to make work sustainable and approach employees as true partners — with a longevity mindset, rather than just focusing on immediate productivity and results — and create an environment where they can safely and continuously work toward their passion of caring for others. This requires a fundamental mindset shift for leaders. 

In order to create health and well-being within the populations we serve, we must first create it within our own organizations through empowering employees as architects and designers of the future state. This is where investments in leadership development come in.

Our approach to leadership development rests on seeing people as whole, capable, and resourceful. All of our solutions are intended to develop a learning mindset and commitment to continuous self-development, empowering those we serve to tap into the deepest “why” behind their commitment to the health ecosystem and leverage that passion and purpose to care for themselves so they can care for the communities they serve. 

The Principles that Drive Us

It takes a lot to create a ripple effect that impacts an entire industry. Here are three core principles that drive TLD Group’s commitment to healthcare transformation. 

1. We believe that transformed leaders will transform the health ecosystem.

At TLD Group, we believe that no matter what challenge the industry faces, the most effective strategy for success is well-trained, confident leaders. Leadership is the force that connects intention to execution. In the face of large seemingly insurmountable challenges, leaders have the platform and the influence to ignite meaningful change at scale. 

As the health industry continues to change and evolve, what makes for effective leadership also changes. We work in partnership with our clients to continuously align their talent and strategy, combining what we know to be industry best practice with developing a deep understanding of our clients’ goals and needs. The result is a unified leadership culture, aligned with a common mission and set of objectives and a continuous pipeline of leaders who are ready to ignite change.

2. We recognize that change and transformation are complex. 

When approaching a complex transformation effort, leaders often look to change systems, processes, and strategies, which are often complicated and difficult to understand and explain. However, many fail to realize that at the core of all of these change levers are people — people who have the “know-how” to change processes and to enact strategies, but who need to be empowered to spark transformation. Before large-scale organization or ecosystem-wide change can take place, change has to happen inside individual leaders and the teams they manage.

At TLD Group, we focus on engaging, inspiring, and developing leaders to embrace the skill sets and the drive to execute big change initiatives. Our blog on the top leadership development trends from 2022 examines the return on investment of high-growth solutions like cohort-based leadership academies and executive coaching. These solutions, focused on equipping leaders to execute strategy within their organizations and enhancing the effectiveness of individual leaders, help develop team members to better serve their organizations.

3. We know it takes a village to connect disparate parts of the health ecosystem.

Let’s go back to the forest. We feel strongly about enhancing the interconnectedness of the entire health ecosystem. We’re committed to doing so by providing access to our insights and research, writing books and articles on the power of collaboration, sharing stories of ecosystem leaders on our Health Ecosystem Leadership (HELM) podcast, and creating new networks of leaders and organizations across the health ecosystem.  

Our Health Ecosystem Leadership Institute was designed to cultivate partnerships between leaders from disparate sectors of the health industry. We know these types of actions work to build lasting bonds, better preparing leaders to navigate siloed sectors. 

Recognizing and honoring the connection between all sectors of the ecosystem is critical to healing the system. It’s easier to make an enemy out of someone who you don’t know, so when we can understand each other’s perspectives, we can move away from unhealthy competition and toward real collaboration.. 

Our eyes are on the health ecosystem forest. Are yours? 

TLD Group is committed to supporting the “trees” because we’re committed to enhancing health and wellbeing for the entire forest. We design unique solutions for organizations in the provider, pharmaceutical, policy maker, payer, and health adjacent sectors to create ripple effects across the entire industry. If you’re interested in learning how TLD Group can support your leaders and teams, visit our website to learn more

Topics: Leadership Development

TLD Group

Written by TLD Group