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Explore our insights on developing talent within the health ecosystem and empowering leaders and teams to execute strategic goals.

Develop Emotional Intelligence in 4 Easy Steps

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Executive Coaching


Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions and to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. The term was coined by two researchers, Peter Salavoy and John Mayer, and then later popularized by American psychologist, Daniel Goleman, in his 1996 book, Emotional Intelligence. Essentially, emotional intelligence encompasses the practice of skillfully expressing one’s own emotions and having the ability to manage interpersonal relationships with empathy.

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4 Tips to Strengthening Communication on Your Team

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Team Development


Leaders who communicate with empathy, transparency, and authenticity create positive team dynamics, higher retention, and better team outcomes. In fact, teams that rate their communication as strong, have 4.5x higher retention rates. On top of that, 86% of employees in a recent survey blame company failure on poor communication.

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Leading, Collaborating, and Partnering Across the Health Ecosystem to Drive Value and Transform Health

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Partnerships, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Pharma, Physician Leadership


The pandemic has shaken up the very nature of work, making a lasting impact on organizations and business leaders across all industries. The biggest impact, however, has been felt by organizations that comprise the health ecosystem as they stepped up and rallied to respond to the challenges their communities faced during the pandemic. Many key players in the health ecosystem have illustrated what is possible when leaders from different organizations and diverse industry sectors collaborate to meet critical challenges and align around a shared purpose.

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Redefining the Workforce to Embrace the “New Normal”

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Diversity and Inclusion, Executive Coaching, Physician Leadership


Significant societal issues including the pandemic, social injustices, and economic turmoil have forced every organization, its leaders, and its workforce to dive headfirst into a “new normal.” The health ecosystem, in particular, has been hit hard, having to reinvent the very nature of work to support their employees, patients, and communities with compassion — amid limited resources — through one of the most critical periods in our lifetimes. What are organizations doing to build their workforces’ capabilities to embrace the “new normal?”

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3 Steps to Implementing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Throughout Your Organization

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion


Cultivating a workplace that embraces equity, diversity, and inclusion (ED&I) is critical to garnering positive organizational outcomes. According to McKinsey, organizations with a diverse and inclusive culture are 35% more likely to outperform their competitors. Plus, Mclean & Company’s 2022 HR Trends Report states that implementing ED&I solutions is now a crucial role for HR leaders (62%). Recruiting, retaining, and supporting talented and diverse staff who bring unique perspectives to the business is essential to achieving lasting positive change. 

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The Top 11 Leadership Development Trends for 2022

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Partnerships, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Virtual Teaming, Leadership Resources, Diversity and Inclusion, Executive Coaching, Team Development, Collaboration

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Due to imminent societal and economic challenges, leaders from organizations spanning all industries are shifting their priorities in 2022. According to Gartner, approximately 60% of HR leaders’ number one priority in 2022 is to build critical skills and competencies. Consequently, there are key leadership development trends to stay on top of to ensure success within your organization in this new year and beyond. From the Great Resignation to increasing team effectiveness in hybrid workforces, we’re highlighting the top 11 leadership development trends for 2022. 

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The Data is Now In: 2021's Top 5 Recurring Themes in Executive Coaching

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Partnerships, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Executive Coaching, Team Development, Collaboration


As a firm dedicated to developing talent to execute strategy, we have broad experience in assessing and developing leaders to reach peak performance through our executive coaching programs. With each year, and as new global, economic, and societal changes accrue, we take note of the top goals our executive coaching clients achieved in the year prior as a prelude to what's to come.

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On-Demand Leadership Development Solutions: What Are They and How Do They Work?

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources


The challenges faced by leaders today have dramatically intensified due to the myriad issues created during, and as a result of, the pandemic. Organizations are facing massive changes due to hybrid workforces, excess levels of stress, and the resulting Great Resignation as masses of leaders continue to voluntarily leave their jobs in search of better and more balanced opportunities. Reports state that about 60% of leaders feel worn out at the end of each day, which is likely indicative of burnout — a contributing factor to the Great Resignation.

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Is Executive Coaching An Antidote to Burnout?

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Executive Coaching


Traditionally, executive coaching has been used to enhance leadership and organizational performance. However, since the pandemic, we are seeing more companies turn to coaching as a mechanism to reduce burnout, which when ignored can cause lasting effects on employee health and organizational performance. And given the statistics — according to Indeed, 52% of employees experienced burnout in 2021 — burnout has become a serious concern for leaders across all industries. 

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Meet the Advisory Board -  Craig Samitt, MD, MBA

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Meet the Advisory Board


We are fortunate to have an advisory board, comprised of multi-sector industry leaders from a variety of disciplines, to guide our strategy and growth. We have created the “Meet the Advisory Board” series as a way to introduce you to these talented leaders and learn about their perspectives on leadership and cross-sector collaboration.

In this interview, meet Advisory Board member Craig Samitt, the CEO and Founder of ITO Advisors, a healthcare advisory and investment firm.

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