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Case Story: Preparing for the Next Level of Leadership via Executive Coaching

by TLD Group posted in Leadership Development, Executive Coaching


At any organization, change is inevitable — and necessary! Whether team members retire or take on new positions, it’s natural to expect roles to change over time as a product of growth. While change is the only constant, it can still create setbacks for both the individual and organization when those stepping up to take on new responsibilities, and those that will be impacted by the change, are not properly prepared.

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5 Steps to Building Trust in Your Organization

by TLD Group posted in Leadership Development, Diversity and Inclusion


Trust is the backbone of any healthy organization. Without trust in self, colleagues, and leadership, organizations are unable to reap the rewards of effective working relationships and collaborations. This is especially true within healthcare organizations, where a lack of trust can result in lower quality patient care.

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How Pharmaceutical Leaders Can Capitalize on the Momentum of Positive Public Perception

by TLD Group posted in Pharma


Before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Gilead were often tagged as “big pharma” putting profit before purpose.

Now, one year later, pharmaceutical companies are being praised for their positive impact resulting from the speed at which they were capable of producing FDA-approved treatments and vaccines for COVID-19.

Through its ingenuity, strategic leadership and nimble pipeline management practices, the pharmaceutical industry is meeting a deep and drastic human need: to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy and alive.

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Is Executive Coaching really worth it?

by TLD Group posted in Leadership Development, Executive Coaching


When our executive coaching client Jane* was appointed vice president and COO of a large community hospital of an academic health system, her new appointment represented an exciting milestone in her career trajectory.

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What Do Teams Need from Leaders Now?

by TLD Group posted in Clinician Leadership Development


Last November, three professional healthcare associations co-wrote and published an open letter to the American public. In the letter, the AHA, the ANA and AMA pleaded with us to follow recommended COVID-19 infection control protocols. Back then, eight months into our pandemic, the associations expressed what many of us across the health ecosystem felt and feel: “We are all weary,” they wrote.

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Inspiring Virtual Leadership Development

by TLD Group


Today's workplaces are responding to never before seen challenges and scenarios, all while adjusting to a virtual work-from-home environment. It's clear that solving these new challenges will require individuals and teams to think differently than they have in the past, which begs the question..How can leaders and teams establish a culture of virtual innovation?

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Mindfulness in times of Uncertainty

by TLD Group


Taking the time for Mindfulness 

With the abundance of uncertainties facing us in present day, it can be challenging to remain focused on one task at a time. Our minds are riddled with thoughts of responsibilities to take care of, meetings to attend, changes and adaptations that need to be made, and the like. When so many thoughts and concerns are circling around our mind all at once, it can feel like we are going through the motions on autopilot without truly experiencing life as it is right now in the present. Taking the time to focus and to mindfully live your best life in both your work and personal life is a critical component of long term satisfaction.

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HELM Leadership Perspective: Dr. Drew Lawson

by TLD Group


Insights from the Frontlines of COVID-19

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The Deal is Closed & the Ink is Dry... Now What?

by TLD Group



How to Create Real “Systemness” through Physician Leadership

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Leadership. It's a Team Sport.

by TLD Group


Leadership. It's a Team Sport.

When asked to reflect on your best experience with leadership, often the request conjures up the image of a great boss, role model, or historical figure. Commonly these images reflect the idea of a single leader. While we agree an individual can certainly serve as a meaningful representation of leadership incarnate, we know that leadership is a team sport.

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