Leadership. It's a Team Sport.
When asked to reflect on your best experience with leadership, often the request conjures up the image of a great boss, role model, or historical figure. Commonly these images reflect the idea of a single leader. While we agree an individual can certainly serve as a meaningful representation of leadership incarnate, we know that leadership is a team sport.
Faculty Perspective: Loren Margolis
Creating a Coaching Culture
A recent report from the Harvard Institute of Coaching states that a coaching culture emerge when leaders, managers, and staff engage and develop their people in ways that create increased individual, team and organizational performance. TLD Group Coach, Loren Margolis, offers the following advice to organizations looking to move toward a coaching culture.
The beginning of a new year is often a time of great organizational ambition and optimism. After months of year-end planning, new strategies and budgets are in place and teams are ready to hit the ground running on a new set of goals and objectives. Despite this optimism, research shows that most of these strategic goals and objectives will never come to fruition. In fact, the statistics range from a dismal 3% to 33% of companies whose executives say they are successful at executing their strategies. With those odds, many wonder if all the planning is worth the effort.
A Time for Reflection
The holidays are the time of year when loved ones gather together to celebrate festivities, give gifts, and create lasting memories. It’s also a great time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished over the year and think about who you want to be in the new year.
Coaching and Culture Change
Are Today’s Leaders Equipped to Change Culture?
“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast” as Peter Drucker so famously said, sums up the profound impact culture can have on overall organizational performance. At TLD Group, our vast experience working with health ecosystem leaders tells us that changing culture to align with shifting organizational strategy is one of the most difficult challenges a leader can face. When detailed, thoughtful plans for strategy and execution fail to achieve desired outcomes, it’s common to look toward the processes applied or relevant external environmental factors rather than looking internally to evaluate whether leadership had the skills to mold the organization’s culture to one that can execute strategy.
The Power of Gratitude
During this season of giving thanks, we dedicate this month’s themed article to Bernard J Tyson, CEO Kaiser Permanente, who brought a new perspective to healthcare - one that supports a holistic approach to human wellness. His sudden passing was a shock to the industry and especially those who had the good fortune of working with him. Our Advisory Board Chair, Bob Sachs, sums up Bernard’s impact below:
Your Next CEO
Competition, finance reform and the ever-changing demands of the marketplace have put increased pressure on hospital boards to contemplate an important question: What kind of CEO will be most successful in navigating these turbulent times?
Common Challenges for Newly Hired Executives
- 60% of global executives report it takes, on average, 6 months to reach full impact in their roles, 20% said it took more than 9 months (Harvard Business Review)