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Explore our insights on developing talent within the health ecosystem and empowering leaders and teams to execute strategic goals.

4 Steps to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Physician Leadership


Imposter syndrome, defined by the Harvard Business Review as “doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud,” impacts high-achieving people as they often find difficulty in accepting their own accomplishments. Essentially, people with imposter syndrome feel as though they’re not qualified enough, not talented enough, or simply not good enough to perform their job well.

But, could this be a case of mind over matter? Or is there more to overcoming imposter syndrome? 

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Leadership Effectiveness: The Top 4 Habits That Could Be Limiting Your Success

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Mindfulness, Physician Leadership


Becoming a successful leader today requires the ability to prioritize learning and continuous development of skills, knowledge, and behavioral competence. To excel in healthcare leadership it’s crucial to take note of certain habits that may be inhibiting your ability to grow and achieve your goals. Are you spending enough time on your own health? Maybe you have a hard time deciphering between being a friend and being a leader. Or maybe your biggest roadblock is your fixed mindset.

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Coaching for Groups - Let’s Explore the Subtle, but Important, Differences in Peer, Group, & Team Coaching

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Diversity and Inclusion, Executive Coaching, Team Development, Collaboration


There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all coaching solution. Thankfully, there are multiple options for organizations to consider as they look to develop individuals, teams, and groups. Coaching best practice customizes the approach to fit the exact needs of the organization, individual, group, or team. In this article, we’re lifting the veil on the differences between peer coaching, group coaching, and team coaching and discussing when and how they are best applied. Let’s dive in.

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How to Strengthen Team Effectiveness in 3 Easy Steps

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Diversity and Inclusion, Team Development, Collaboration


As employees reboard and return to work they are demanding better company culture, supportive leadership, and enhanced opportunities to collaborate. As we know through our work with companies across various sectors, poor company culture leads to inefficient communication, unsatisfied employees, high turnover, and poor team effectiveness. Now, more than ever, leadership teams need to prioritize strengthening their team dynamics to improve the overall success of the organization. In this article, we’re revealing the top 3 steps you can use to bolster your team’s effectiveness and achieve impactful business outcomes as a result.

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Meet the Advisory Board - Laura Landy

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Meet the Advisory Board


We are fortunate to have an advisory board, comprised of multi-sector industry leaders from a variety of disciplines, to guide our strategy and growth.  We have created the “Meet the Advisory Board” series as a way to introduce you to these talented leaders and learn about their perspectives on leadership and cross-sector collaboration.

In this interview, meet Advisory Board member Laura Landy, President & CEO of the Rippel Foundation and the Founder and Chair of ReThink Health, the Foundation’s flagship initiative.

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Leadership Development for the Health Ecosystem: How to Measure and Assess ROI

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Team Development


Leadership development empowers leaders, enhances trust, and creates employee and customer engagement resulting in a more aligned and productive workforce. Overall, leadership development:

  • Boosts employee and customer engagement and productivity
  • Improves the organization’s ability to find and retain high-quality talent
  • Reduces issues and costs associated with turnover
  • Equips teams with the skills to plan for succession
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Leadership Academies: A Human-Centric Approach to Health System Integration

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Diversity and Inclusion, Team Development

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Health systems are continuing to merge together at an accelerating pace. However, successfully capitalizing on the intended outcomes of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) has proven to be no easy task. For newly formed health systems, the failure rate of integration has been estimated at 70% - 90%. Health systems with poor integration of physician services and lack of alignment between executives and physicians tend to experience poor financial performance, higher costs, and lower quality of care.

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Strategic Succession Planning: No Longer a “Nice-to-Have”

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Team Development, Collaboration


There’s a new war for talent upon us as organizations face both planned and unplanned retirements coming out of the pandemic. We know that those companies with formalized succession plans are better prepared to respond to the increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting new talent and retaining existing talent.  

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Meet the Advisory Board- Poonam Alaigh

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Meet the Advisory Board


We are fortunate to have an advisory board, comprised of multi-sector industry leaders from a variety of disciplines, to guide our strategy and growth.  We have created the “Meet the Advisory Board” series as a way to introduce you to these talented leaders and learn about their perspectives on leadership and cross-sector collaboration.

In this interview, meet Advisory Board member Poonam Alaigh, MD, Research Professor, University of Pittsburgh and President & CEO of Alaigh Care Associates.

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Top 4 Criteria to Look For in an Executive Coaching Firm

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Executive Coaching, Team Development, Collaboration, Physician Leadership


Executive coaching is an essential talent development lever that contributes to the success of organizations, especially those in the healthcare industry which faces unprecedented challenges today. According to the Human Resource Executive, healthcare leaders’ top priorities in 2022 are employee wellbeing, leadership development, and overall employee experience. Due to the stressors of the pandemic, healthcare leaders spanning all sectors are experiencing increased feelings of burnout and declining mental health. 

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