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Explore our insights on developing talent within the health ecosystem and empowering leaders and teams to execute strategic goals.

TLD Group’s Perspective on Gratitude

by TLD Group posted in Mindfulness, Team Development


While Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to reflect on giving thanks. At TLD Group, we believe that gratitude is an important daily practice for individuals and team members. 

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Leaders, Listen Up! The U.S. Surgeon General is Making a Statement on Workplace Well-Being.

by TLD Group posted in Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Mindfulness, Diversity and Inclusion, Team Development


On October 20, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released a new framework on workplace well-being that does more than offer simple guidelines. It demonstrates how the country’s leaders are placing a new emphasis on healthy employees and workplaces as a result of the changing nature of work. 

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Creating Employee Health and Well-being Within Healthcare Organizations

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Mindfulness, Team Development


With the ongoing wave of resignations sweeping the country, healthcare employees are experiencing some of the highest levels of burnout. Nearly 3 of every 10 healthcare workers have plans to leave their jobs in the near future due to burnout. Increased turnover results in lower quality patient care—making employee health and well-being absolutely vital to the well-being of patients. Research suggests that strategically investing in efforts to foster worker well-being not only improves employee health but can also bring about beneficial business outcomes such as improved job performance (including increased productivity), and lower levels of employee burnout. To capitalize on these benefits we invite you to consider the important roles that organizations, leaders, and individuals play in creating workplace health and well-being and strategies for improvements.

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Leadership Effectiveness: The Top 4 Habits That Could Be Limiting Your Success

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Mindfulness, Physician Leadership


Becoming a successful leader today requires the ability to prioritize learning and continuous development of skills, knowledge, and behavioral competence. To excel in healthcare leadership it’s crucial to take note of certain habits that may be inhibiting your ability to grow and achieve your goals. Are you spending enough time on your own health? Maybe you have a hard time deciphering between being a friend and being a leader. Or maybe your biggest roadblock is your fixed mindset.

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Gratitude - An Antidote for Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Linda Roszak Burton, ACC, BBC, BS posted in Frontline Support, Mindfulness



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Leadership Actions to Support Employees in Tumultuous Times

by Michele Brown, PCC & Camille Sun posted in Leadership Resources, Mindfulness

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During unprecedented and tumultuous times there is no such thing as ‘simple'.  Crisis Management is complex and difficult.  Now more than ever before strong leadership is an essential factor in mobilizing and motivating teams while working remotely, still aiming to achieve the business objectives front line leaders are still ultimately responsible for delivering. 

Whether working within a team or leading employees, employees are experiencing disorganization, difficulty concentrating, feelings of overwhelm, increased requests for sick time, and increased absenteeism—all of which are normal responses in a crisis. The relevant management and leadership skills take on a different look and feel under these circumstances.  I’ve captured a few leadership actions that I’ve coached others on and have seen used effectively and are proven best practices by many organizations:

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Helpers of the Healers- Insights for HR and OD Leaders

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Resources, Mindfulness


Over the past several months communities around the world have seen their healthcare systems pushed to their limits. As the initial shock to our global physical health begins to wane an important second wave of need is becoming more tangible. As physical distancing continues, many are experiencing isolation, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and other mental health impacts that will result in a potentially overwhelming curve of its own.

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Managing Fear in High Stakes

by Holly Hughson posted in Leadership Resources, Frontline Support, Mindfulness

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A Letter to Frontline Responders

Holly Hughson is an OD consultant and change strategist, who has spent almost two decades working in high-stakes crisis response, humanitarian action and civil-military coordination. Holly's current work focuses on the human cost incurred by practitioners working on the frontlines of human suffering and vulnerability, and she serves as project advisor for “Ethics Education for Crisis Medicine” at the Centre for Military Ethics at King’s College London. In a moving tribute she shares her insights and admiration with the frontline responders of COVID-19.

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Mindfulness in times of Uncertainty

by TLD Group posted in Mindfulness


Taking the time for Mindfulness 

With the abundance of uncertainties facing us in present day, it can be challenging to remain focused on one task at a time. Our minds are riddled with thoughts of responsibilities to take care of, meetings to attend, changes and adaptations that need to be made, and the like. When so many thoughts and concerns are circling around our mind all at once, it can feel like we are going through the motions on autopilot without truly experiencing life as it is right now in the present. Taking the time to focus and to mindfully live your best life in both your work and personal life is a critical component of long term satisfaction.

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Restorative Practices for the Frontline

by Karen Doyle Grossman posted in Mindfulness


Restorative practices for frontline medical providers, hospital leaders, and laboratory scientists to bolster themselves during the COVID-19 outbreak

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