Our Blog

Explore our insights on developing talent within the health ecosystem and empowering leaders and teams to execute strategic goals.

15 of the Most Important Leadership Lessons Learned over the Past 15 Years

by TLD Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership Resources


Insights from TLD Group on our growth and transformation over the past 15 years developing leaders across the health ecosystem.

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Why is your competency model sitting on a shelf?

by TLD Group posted in Leadership Development, Leadership Resources


Dust off your competency model and learn simple techniques to reap the rewards of your leadership success factors.

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Busting the Top 5 Myths about Executive Coaching & Ways to Maximize Your Experience

by TLD Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership Resources, Executive Coaching


At The Leadership Development Group, we’re experts in executive coaching. And, we recognize that if you haven’t been fortunate enough to experience coaching yourself, you may fall prey to some common misconceptions. In this blog, we’re debunking some of the most common myths surrounding executive coaching and providing a few ways to maximize your coaching experience.

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The World of Work has Changed, Your Greatest Asset Hasn't: 3 Ways to Optimize your Workforce in an Evolving Labor Market

by TLD Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources


The United States labor market is in a state of transformation, with major shifts taking place in demographics, technology, and the nature of work. Demographically, the workforce is aging, with more people over the age of 75 continuing to work and younger generations entering the workforce with different skills and expectations. Automation, artificial intelligence, and other new technologies are changing the way we work, while remote work and telecommuting are becoming more prevalent than ever before. Finally, the nature of work itself is evolving. As more tasks lend themselves to automation and support from artificial intelligence, more emphasis is placed on workforce creativity, problem solving, and collaboration.  

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It’s time for a paradigm shift in healthcare leadership.

by TLD Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources


At TLD Group, we’ve spent a lot of time this year thinking about how to drive success in a continually changing, somewhat chaotic health ecosystem. How can leaders drive innovation and promote wellness when barriers to success come up at every turn? 

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Interested in Executive Coaching? Our 4-Step Guide to Advocating for Your Own Leadership Development

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Executive Coaching, Physician Leadership


Many leaders take a passive approach towards their own development, often waiting for their manager or someone else in the organization to offer the opportunity for professional growth. Why wait? Advocating for your own development demonstrates a core leadership attribute — proactive interest in expanding your skill set in support of your company’s success. And, one of the most proven and efficient ways to enhance your effectiveness as a leader is to partner with an experienced executive coach.

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Strategic Decision-Making: What It Is and How to Get Better at It

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Executive Coaching, Physician Leadership


As we grapple with the chaos of the past two years, it’s become clear that strategic decision-making is an important skill for leaders in all industries. The ability to analyze situations, data, and personal experiences to reach a solution keeps leaders prepared for even the most unexpected events — like a global pandemic.

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How to Effectively Manage a Hybrid Team in 2022

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Virtual Teaming, Leadership Resources, Executive Coaching, Team Development, Collaboration


In the new post-pandemic normal, hybrid teams are the new standard. In fact, 53% of job searchers now expect to have a hybrid arrangement. For those in the health industry, finding ways to create hybrid job opportunities — and manage them — can be incredibly difficult. This is especially true for healthcare organizations as the majority of roles require in-person delivery, especially in clinical and research-oriented roles. However, for those roles that can be managed remotely, offering a flexible work schedule is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity. It’s time to start building and offering hybrid work to remain competitive in recruiting and retaining top talent.

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Championing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: The 4 Steps to Developing Collaborative Leaders to Improve Health Equity

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Diversity and Inclusion, Executive Coaching, Team Development, Collaboration


Organizations across the health ecosystem are continuing to increase their focus on strategies dedicated to population health and community well-being by transforming healthcare delivery models aligned to value-based care. Population health and health equity are inextricably linked — the goal of population health is to improve the quality of care and outcomes for a defined group of people, while the goal of health equity is to ensure that all members of a community have an equitable access to be as healthy as possible. Without systemic change, neither of these goals can be achieved.

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Soft Skills are the Key to Making Hard Decisions

by The Leadership Development Group posted in Leadership Development, Healthcare Ecosystem, Leadership, Leadership Resources, Executive Coaching, Team Development, Collaboration


To navigate tough workplace challenges and hard decisions, we know that soft skills, aka Emotional Intelligence (EI), often make the difference between success and failure. Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person's relationships with work and with other people. In the workplace, soft skills are considered to be a complement to hard skills, which refer to a person's knowledge and occupational skills. Soft skills have more to do with who people are, rather than what they know. In fact, recent research concluded that 85% of job success stems from soft skills rather than skills and knowledge needed for the job.

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